Beef Jerky In Recipes: Unconventional Uses Of This Traditional Snack

29 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you're like most beef jerky enthusiasts, you imagine it as a tasty, protein-rich snack for a long drive or an outdoor adventure. But have you ever considered integrating this traditional snack into your cooking repertoire? If not, you're in for an exciting culinary adventure. Beef jerky can introduce a smoky, savory complexity to a variety of dishes, transforming your meals from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Whether it's pasta, salads, soups, or even pizza, beef jerky's unique flavor profile can add a delightful surprise to your everyday recipes.

Here are some suggestions for how you can surprise your taste buds and bring new life to your dishes by using beef jerky in unconventional ways:

Redefining Pasta with Beef Jerky

The next time you're whipping up a pasta dish, think of adding some diced beef jerky. Yes, you heard it right. Soak it in a bit of warm water to soften it up, then fry it with some garlic and onions. Mix it in with your sauce - be it marinara or Alfredo - and you have a robust, flavorful addition to your meal. This way, you can give a unique, smoky twist to your ordinary pasta dish.

The Beef Jerky Salad Twist

Who says beef jerky doesn't belong in a salad? Adding it to your bowl of greens and veggies can offer a delightful change of texture and flavor. Again, you might want to soften it a bit before tossing it into the mix. Try a simple spinach or kale salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions, then top it off with shredded jerky. Drizzle your favorite dressing and watch how beef jerky transforms your salad into a protein-rich delight.

Beef Jerky Infused Soups and Stews

Add an extra layer of flavor to your soups and stews by throwing in some beef jerky. As it simmers, the jerky will soften and release its unique smoky taste, enhancing the dish's overall flavor. Whether it's a vegetable soup or a beef stew, the jerky will surely complement and elevate your warming meal.

The Unlikely Pizza Topping

Pizza toppings are versatile, and there's no rule that excludes beef jerky. Sprinkle some jerky bits over your pizza before baking it. The heat will soften the jerky and allow it to blend seamlessly with the other ingredients, adding an unexpected but delightful hint of smoky savoriness.

Experimentation often leads to the development of treasured family recipes, so feel free to unleash your creative side in the kitchen, and start incorporating beef jerky into your meals. 
